I think this is a decent Rorschach test

I find myself looking at this because I sense that there is a zoomer out there that can add something to the discussion. It’s not like you can do a Google search to find them, I just know they’re somewhere around.

Do you think there are some generations that are just dead? A plant that grows and withers. Probably.

So I “like to think” he is out there somewhere. A zoomer with a sovereign intellect, keen perception, but with unique insight because of the generation he is from. I haven’t fed my bloodhounds for a while but maybe they will sniff around for me for old time’s sake.

Here is another Rorschach test

Gen Z does seem to be pretty damned if you ask me, just from looking at the above. At shekina.mybb they refer to golems as “gender pets” and I find that quite fitting. The males are born with their balls cut off, the females are born with mustaches. This is just perfect, this is the way nature’s supposed to be. It’s definitely not some twisted jewish experiment with nothing good to expect from it.

Welp, the more you know

Oh no, it’s “the gay nigger generation” – I can’t help but to make this conclusion.

When it gets so bad like that, that’s when exotic plants might sprout up to fix things.

The type of guy I want to discover will likely understand this better than we can, because he’s from among them.

It’s similar to what I’ve said about being from the Northern US. Even if you hate them, there’s a part of your first instinct that is always their instinct. Southerners will never truly understand what pieces of garbage the Northerners are. Likewise, Russians will never truly understand what pieces of garbage Americans in general are. That’s our own burden to bear, those of us who are “traitors”.

So I expect this type of phenomenon in some zoomer. At the present time, the only way I can narrow it down is to say that he is on the internet somewhere. Definitely not on Twitter or whatever it calls itself these days. Perhaps some kind of forum that only zoomers know about. They might even have a secret language they use, so we wouldn’t be able to discover them. Aryans are able to communicate in code with each other without even trying. That’s what I call the psychic power of the elves, but good thing fantasy doesn’t exist in real life, right?

What I would like to see is this zoomer rail against millennials in particular. I’m sure that he has legitimate and possibly devastating standpoints about us.

Mostly I would like to hear a unique spiel about the kike problem. Everyone always thinks the history of philosophy is over, then a new generation is born and reaches self-consciousness and has something new to say. That is unless it is indeed a dead generation.

Here’s for hoping, here’s for hoping.


The Queen has forbidden me from speaking to you, and I agree with her that we should try something monogamous now. My advice to you is to look for Ezra Pound supporters in Italy. Probably “the world” will not be happy that you take interest in them, but I think your specific psychological type will find happiness in one of them.

For legal reasons I will be using a “frame” here.

There once was a story about someone trying to describe something illegal, and he ended up in prison. This was his story.

Wow, millennials are on at least four levels of irony, crazy stuff.

So, if you want to try DMT I would recommend you have about 3 months where you don’t have to speak to people afterward.

I suggest that you do not do it with “me” in mind. I will seem like a chimp to you if you think of me before doing it.

You might’ve heard of Charles Manson. I want people to find their own reality away from me. It is better for an aristocracy if there is not a “standard opinion”.

So yes, when you have escaped humanity I encourage you to dwell on the fact that I myself, the one who led you there, am some type of chimp, because it is true. And I want you to report back about it, because I want to reform my behavior.

If you want to take that step into the deep-end it will be about you more personally. You will see every mistake you ever made in life, and warning, you may burn in hell forever for it, then suddenly return to your normal self in reality. But I have to warn you- burning in hell forever could be part of the experience for some people.

“Time” is not the same in that realm. If someone watched you–and I strongly recommend you have someone you trust watching over you–it would be 20 minutes. But to your own self it would seem to last 20,000 years. I’m not exaggerating. So if you were a bad person for some reason expect to burn in hell for something that feels like 20,000 years. “Time” is not the same there.

At the same time, the low lows are mixed with the high highs. The DMT realm is the only place I’ve seen Real Beauty. It’s because that is the Realm of the Forms.

So it’s up to you. The main point of this post is to suggest that if you go there, wait a few months before you talk about it because you will probably seem crazy to ordinary people.

There hasn’t been much ink spilled on the concept of “the pathos of distance” so I’m going to reflect on that some. There are probably five concepts in Nietzsche that the professional interpreters sweep under the rug and this is one of them. And I would say that it is central. Not the one everything else revolves around, but it is close to the center.

The pathos of distance is how you comport yourself toward the world in order to even grasp the other concepts that are swept under the rug. Without the pathos of distance you can’t understand the center. Not many people have the pathos of distance. It is closely connected with the idea of optics. And most people are opticians.

It’s possible to not be part of our democracy. You just need the psychological distance from it. Any optician is part of our democracy. Any optician is some strain of Weimarian.

This is why I always talked about feeling like I lived on a space-station in orbit or on the Moon. It’s not just a metaphor, I do feel that that’s where I am, and I learned that from Nietzsche, although he did not describe it very well so I had to learn how to do it myself for the most part.

The idea is that anyone who practices optics even 1% should be firmly rejected.

“How do you reconcile that with what you’ve said about your intimacy with the Gucci squad?” That’s part of why they liked me, because I rejected them. They’re like 98% optics. They can follow me, I’m not following them, they can conform to what I want, not the other way around. You really think I wasn’t extremely harsh to them? If they fucked up in any way I would be fucking with them. That’s how it was, and it’s still that way.

The reason I am this way is because of that one concept in Nietzsche that I personally unfolded. No academic has ever unfolded it, including Heidegger. H-dawg himself avoided most of these ones I’m speaking of here. That’s because he was a Hegel, not a Schopenhauer. As a professor, even a Nazi professor, he was an optician.

It’s not an easy concept to explain, so I see why not much has been written on it. If you could find a standalone study on the pathos of distance I would like to know, because I doubt it exists. Sometimes it gets a chapter dedicated to it, and the chapter is completely dishonest.

I’ll give you my subjective take on it, I don’t know if it will sound crazy. I don’t feel like I’m part of humanity. I’ve felt this way for about a decade. I look at human beings and I see a vast space between us. I don’t try to talk to them in an appealing way because I do not feel that I am one of them.

My Georgian friend thinks I’m possessed by a demon. He’s anxious about trying DMT because he thinks that’s what happens to you. He believes a dæmon takes possession of you if you do that. And I responded “That’s who you’ve been talking to this whole time” (I’ve been talking to him since around 2014 I believe), “I’ve never tried to hide it.”

So I believe that altering one’s neurochemistry is helpful in grasping Nietzsche’s concept of the pathos of distance. We’re just meatmonkeys, we need heavy-duty alterations in order to separate from humanity cleanly.

It’s not really that we cease to be human beings. Because there are others similar to us. So we form a new group of human beings, that disdains the rest of them. Yes, that is the recipe for a new aristocracy.

Any optician, you’re just a dirty democrat to me. Join me on the Moon.

Well,, I’ve been a celibate for a decade now. My whole plan was that there must be a woman out there who wants a “virgin”. So I’ve avoided sex from women who try to hint at it. They’ve tried to flirt with me many times, but I think I only want to have sex with my future wife.

If you want to know a secret, Ariana Grande causes me to explode for some reason. She makes my balls explode, I can’t explain how.

“You’re supposed to be getting married now.”

So is anyone.

The truth is that both Taylor and Ariana sold their souls.

You might have some questions about me, well, I’m a Scandinavian. We have shamans among us that are able to read people’s thoughts. How did you think this question you are reading right now is even possible?